Guest editorial: Engineering of Computer Based Systems
The following six articles represent expanded versions of selected high quality papers presented at the 19th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS), April 11-13, 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Tomas Potuzak in his paper entitled “Methods for Division of Road Traffic Network for Distributed Simulation Performed on Heterogeneous Clusters” presents two road network division methods for heterogeneous clusters, MBFSMTL (Modified Breadth-First Search Marking of Traffic Lanes) and GAMTL (Genetic Algorithm Marking of Traffic Lanes), that are based on their counterparts originally designed for homogenous clusters. Described methods consider the different computational powers of nodes in the heterogeneous cluster and divide the computational load among the road traffic sub-networks according to a benchmark test that directly utilize the road traffic simulation in order to obtain the most relevant information about the speeds of nodes in the cluster.
The article “Modeling and Visualization of Classification-Based Control Schemes for Upper Limb Prostheses” by Andreas Attenberger and Klaus Buchenreider proposes a model of the classification process for upper-limb prostheses including a subsequent simulation, validation and visualization of the prosthesis control scheme. Their experiments show that classification schemes based on electromyographic data can be improved significantly by integrating additional data from NIR (near-infrared) sensors. In addition to the classification process, the behavior of prosthesis is demonstrated through the simulation of a 3D hand model that is controlled by the classifier output.
The next paper “On Task Tree Executor Architectures Based on Intel Parallel Building Blocks”, by Miroslav Popović, Miodrag Đukić, Vladimir Marinković and Nikola Vranić, deals with the problem of applying parallel programming techniques based on Intel Parallel Building Blocks to a class of service components within SOA based industrial systems. The paper presents two novel Task Tree Executor (TTE) architectures, the first one that is based on Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) library, and the second one based on Intel Cilk Plus library. The novel architectures execute TTE tasks as TBB tasks and Cilk strands, respectively, rather than the local operating system threads, providing better multicore CPU utilization.
Xi Wu, Huibiao Zhu, Yongxin Zhao, Zheng Wang and Si Liu, in the paper entitled “Modeling and Verifying the Ariadne Protocol Using Process Algebra”, apply the process algebra method known as Communicating Sequential Processes to model and analyze route discovery in the Ariadne protocol. The formal model of the Ariadne protocol is implemented in the model checking tool PAT in order to verify security properties of the protocol. The verification results show that there is a defect in the protocol, which may lead to fake routing attacks.
In the article “System Design for Passive Human Detection using Principal Components of the Signal Strength Space”, Bojan Mrazovac, Milan Z. Bjelica, Dragan Kukolj, Branislav M. Todorović and Saša Vukosavljev propose a device free detection method of human presence based on principal component analysis (PCA) of the radio signal strength variations. The method exploits the fact that the presence of a human within a wireless network range results in significant signal strength variations at the receiver. Experimental results of presented research show that PCA inputs, given in a form of raw RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) samples, provide more accurate detection of human presence, than the inputs which describe the dispersion of the signal.
Finally, “Support for End-to-End Response-Time and Delay Analysis in the Industrial Tool Suite: Issues, Experiences and a Case Study” by Saad Mubeen, Jukka Mäki-Turja and Mikael Sjödin presents the implementation of two state-of-art real time analysis techniques in the form of individual plug-ins for the existing industrial tool suite Rubus-ICE. The paper discusses the experience gained while transferring theoretical research results to the industrial tool suite. In a case study, implemented plug-ins are used to analyze the model of the autonomous cruise control system.
Guest Editor of Special Section
Bernard Schätz
Technical University Munich, Germany