Associated Editors

Oscar Romero is professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) - a member of the Database Technologies and Information Management (DTIM) research group. His research mainly focuses on complex information systems that automate the data management lifecycle, especially in the Business Intelligence and Big Data fields. More specifically, his main interests are NOSQL (and any technology beyond relational databases), data integration, self-tuning database systems and semantic-aware systems (based on semantic formalisms such as ontology languages or RDF(S)) and OLAP and data warehousing.

Currently, he is the UPC coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Big Data Management and Analytics (BDMA), the Data Science master of the faculty of Informatics (MDS) and the life-long learning master in Big Data Management, Technologies and Analytics (BDMTA). He has also participated in the Erasmus Mundus Joint PhD in Information Technologies for Business Intelligence - Doctoral Consortium (IT4BI-DC), where he supervised 8 successfully finalised PhD thesis (2 of them winners of excellence PhD awards) and 1 additional on-going theses. From 2020, he also participates in the Data Engineering for Data Science (DEDS) ITN European Joint Doctorate in which he supervises 2 additional PhD theses. He is also a member of the IFIP WG2.6 Database.

He has also participated in several technology transfer projects and 3 industrial PhDs with relevant companies or organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), SAP, HP Labs, Siemens, Atos, Everis, Zurich Insurance, EURA NOVA and Barcelona’s town council among others.

He has published 59 conference papers and 25 journal articles in international and peer-reviewed venues. He has participated in more than 10 competitive projects and served in several programme committees and as journal reviewer.