Quantitative Analysis for Symbolic Heap Bounds of CPS Software

Renjian Li1, Ji Wang1, Liqian Chen1, Wanwei Liu2 and Dengping Wei2

  1. National Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing
    410073 Changsha, China
  2. School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology
    410073 Changsha, China
    li.renjian@gmail.com, wj@nudt.edu.cn, lqchen@nudt.edu.cn, wwliu@nudt.edu.cn, dpwei@nudt.edu.cn


One important quantitative property of CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems) software is its heap bound for which a precise analysis result needs to combine shape analysis and numeric reasoning. In this paper, we present a framework for statically finding symbolic heap bounds of CPS software. The basic idea is to separate numeric reasoning from shape analysis by first constructing an ASTG (Abstract State Transition Graph) and then extracting a pure numeric representation which can be analyzed for the heap bounds. A quantitative shape analysis method based on symbolic execution is defined in the framework to generate the ASTG. The numeric representation is extracted based on program slicing technique and inputted into an abstract interpretation tool for computing the heap bounds. We take list manipulating programs as an example to explain how to instantiate the framework for important data structures and to exhibit its practicability. A novel list abstraction method is also presented to support the instantiation of the framework.

Key words

CPS software, heap bounds, quantitative shape analysis, symbolic execution, program slicing

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Publication information

Volume 8, Issue 4 (October 2011)
Cyber-Physical Networks and Software
Year of Publication: 2011
ISSN: 2406-1018 (Online)
Publisher: ComSIS Consortium

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How to cite

Li, R., Wang, J., Chen, L., Liu, W., Wei, D.: Quantitative Analysis for Symbolic Heap Bounds of CPS Software. Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1251-1276. (2011), https://doi.org/10.2298/CSIS110302054L